It has been reporetd that there are massive efforts made in order to classify Ethereum as a security. Check out the latest reports and important opinions on why this should not happen. SEC vs Ethereum According to recent articles from ...

The US SEC’s Gary Gensler stated recently that crypto firms are skipping public disclosures. Check out the latest reports about this below. SEC’s Gary Gensler addresses crypto firms that skip public disclosures During a speech on securities disclosures, Gary Gensler, ...

The Ethereum foundation is currently faced with questions from an unnamed “state authority” according to the latest reports coming from GitHub repository. Ethereum in the crypto community news The inquiry being conducted is confidential and is taking place at a ...

It looks like a Wall Street analyst is extremely bullish on Bitcoin and said that the king crypto could hit $200,000 by 2025. Check out the latest reports about the price predictions of BTC below. Bitcoin to skyrocket until 2025 ...

According to the latest decision, crypto exchange OKX delisted Tether from the platform for EU users. Here are more details about the matter below. OKX delists Tether for EU users Crypto exchange OKX has discontinued support for cryptocurrency trading pairs ...

It’s been just reported that the financial giants BlackRock and Fidelity now own a combined 372,227 BTC for their spot Bitcoin ETFs. Here are the latest reports about the companies below. BlackRock and Fidelity get ready for their spot BTC ...

According to the latest reports, Indonesia is seeing a huge boom in the crypto industry. Digital assets transactions saw a rise of $1.92 billion during February, new notes reveal. Crypto explodes in Indonesia Indonesia reported a massive spike in crypto ...

It has been revealed that we finally have an answer for the latest dip in price that Bitcoin saw these days. At the moment of writing this article, BTC is trading in the red, and the king coin is priced ...

According to the latest numbers, it looks like the global Bitcoin funds are draining assets amidst the US ETF boom. Here are the reports on BTC funds and their trajectory. US BTC ETF boom triggers global BTC funds moves It’s ...

El Salvador is shining bright on the crypto sky, considering the nation’s support for Bitcoin and financial freedom. Here are the latest reports about the nation’s new moves in this direction. El Salvador moves $400 million in Bitcoin into cold ...