Doing your best to prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease in your body in older years is one of the best things you can do. We’re talking about one of the most horrible diseases out there. Doctors often recommend we ...

Despite being the first country where the very first COVID outbreak began, China has been through relatively good times. But at the beginning of 2022, cases of COVID infections start to surge again in the Asian country. China seemed to ...

The world is in a far better position now than it was at the beginning of the pandemic. However, it’s still too early to declare victory over COVID, as the WHO chief himself said, Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. But we ...

The ongoing COVID pandemic has changed the lives of many of us and, unfortunately, ended some of them. Millions of people lost their lives while battling the coronavirus, and others were impacted by economic problems. Businesses ruined, jobs lost, lockdowns, ...

One huge paradox is that despite the fact that most of us don’t like the idea of becoming old, we also hope to live as long as possible. But if, by any chance, anyone from you discovered the secret for ...

As of now, there really is no remedy for dementia. Despite this, there seems to be optimism for novel medicines to become available sooner rather than later. Dementia is therefore no longer considered a normal aspect of aging; now, it ...

A big new research has connected the “hidden” salt in certain forms of paracetamol to an elevated risk of heart problems and mortality. People are more concerned than ever with the amount of salt in their meals as a result ...

An artificial intelligence (AI) teaching system can beat skilled human teachers in a remote context, according to a recent research. Seventy medical students were recruited by the Neurosurgical Simulation and Artificial Intelligence Learning Centre at The Neuro at Montreal Neurological ...

Researchers think they may have proof that when people die, their life really “flash before their eyes.” Scientists observed rhythmic brain wave patterns at the moment of death that are comparable to those seen during dreaming, memory recall, and meditation, ...

Sound waves were used to convert stem cells to bone cells, a tissue engineering breakthrough that might one day help patients rebuild bone missing due to cancer or degenerative illness. Through the precise power of high-frequency sound waves, RMIT researchers have ...