According to recent recommendations from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, children who get COVID-19 while unvaccinated only need to be isolated as long as their fully vaccinated friends. Anyone under the age of 18 may discontinue self-isolating if ...

According to a CDC research, those vaccinated who had previously contracted COVID had the best protection during the delta virus outbreak. Researchers used New York and California data between May and November 2021 to investigate the influence of immunization and ...

It’s nice to see that in the present, more and more treatments for COVID are being discovered. This scenario seemed impossible at the start of the ongoing pandemic when no medical treatment worked to save patients. According to AFP Fact ...

As Omicron spreads throughout the UK, the number of symptoms reported by people who test positive has increased. The three significant symptoms of Covid-19, according to the NHS, are a high fever, a persistent cough, and a loss of smell ...

According to recent research, a specific site between two olfactory genes boosts a person’s chances of losing smell or taste after catching the pathogen. A hereditary component enhances the likelihood of someone losing their sense of smell or taste after ...

According to a UK Health Security Agency study, meningitis B cases among students in England are on the rise and have surpassed pre-pandemic levels (UKHSA). Meningococcal group B bacteria are a leading cause of potentially fatal illnesses such as meningitis ...

Let’s face it: each and every person forgets stuff from time to time. Forgetfulness isn’t necessarily a reason to worry, although in many cases, it can be the beginning of serious mental health issues. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s begin to ...

COVID-19 causes a syndrome called parosmia, making youngsters averse to eating, with many unable to eat at all. Parents should maintain a dietary record to help identify the disease. Experts say COVID-19 is making more kids picky eaters. The virus ...

Dementia is a group of symptoms linked with brain impairment. Alzheimer’s disease, a brain ailment that gradually affects memory and cognitive abilities, is the most frequent cause of dementia. It is widely seen as an unavoidable byproduct of the aging ...

Allison Markin, who has lived with multiple sclerosis for two decades, says the discovery that the Epstein-Barr virus plays a part in its onset has provided reassurance. Markin, who lives in Penticton, British Columbia, said that it might provide an ...