According to recent research, a specific site between two olfactory genes boosts a person’s chances of losing smell or taste after catching the pathogen. A hereditary component enhances the likelihood of someone losing their sense of smell or taste after ...

According to a UK Health Security Agency study, meningitis B cases among students in England are on the rise and have surpassed pre-pandemic levels (UKHSA). Meningococcal group B bacteria are a leading cause of potentially fatal illnesses such as meningitis ...

COVID-19 causes a syndrome called parosmia, making youngsters averse to eating, with many unable to eat at all. Parents should maintain a dietary record to help identify the disease. Experts say COVID-19 is making more kids picky eaters. The virus ...

Dementia is a group of symptoms linked with brain impairment. Alzheimer’s disease, a brain ailment that gradually affects memory and cognitive abilities, is the most frequent cause of dementia. It is widely seen as an unavoidable byproduct of the aging ...

Allison Markin, who has lived with multiple sclerosis for two decades, says the discovery that the Epstein-Barr virus plays a part in its onset has provided reassurance. Markin, who lives in Penticton, British Columbia, said that it might provide an ...

We always have to take good care of what we consume within our meals. We eat to live, not the opposite. Or at least that’s how it should be. The COVID pandemic has also made many of us rethink our ...

Do you have trouble sleeping? As a result of the coronavirus, millions more people have difficulties sleeping, leading renowned consultant neurologist and sleep specialist Professor Guy Leschziner to warn of a worldwide sleep crisis. You can take several actions to ...

The discovery that plants safeguard their most important genes alters our understanding of evolution. According to recent study from the Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen in Germany and the University of California Davis in the United States, DNA mutations ...

According to Dr. Supriya Sharma, what is actually required are vaccinations that may potentially inhibit more than one variation at a time, including ones yet to be discovered. According to Health Canada’s top medical advisor, variant-specific vaccinations may be authorized ...

Symptoms of Covid are frequently the same as for catching a cold – coughing, runny nose, and headache are just a few you would be acquainted with. More odd symptoms, such as burping and pink eye, may manifest themselves in ...