Tips For Getting Started In Northgard

Start with The Woodcutter’s Lodge

The Woodcutter’s Lodge is essential for early game development. Just about everything needs the use of logs, so if you forget to construct a lodge, you may find yourself caught in a rut. It may be appealing to postpone until you come across a forest, as these are the best locations for a Woodcutter’s Lodge, but you can always relocate your woodcutters afterward. Your primary attention should be on obtaining an adequate supply of wood as soon as possible.

You must also create a House and a Scout Camp in addition to the Woodcutter’s Lodge. Don’t put off building these because they’re crucial to extending your area and people.

Find the ideal clan

The multitude of playstyles in Northgard makes it an excellent RTS game. To win the game, you don’t just have to defeat your opponents. Alternatively, you could strive for notoriety, knowledge, or trade successes. These victory criteria can assist you in determining which style of play you prefer.

You’ll appreciate fighting as the Slidrugtanni Clan if you wish to focus on learning and lore. You can play as the Huginn and Muninn Clans if you wish to cruise and strike from the shores. You’ll create your own approach as you practice more, so try out all the clans and find which one makes you feel comfortable.

Silos are crucial

Food is essential for existence in Northgard, and novices should be aware of this. Your clan will grow disgruntled and inefficient if you run short on food. You can only keep 500 food items at first. This is good at first, but as the winters become more severe, it will soon be insufficient.

Silos are necessary. Ensure you have space for a silo in each of your regions, given the minimal area you have. To accelerate up the manufacturing process and raise your max food supplies by 300, put them close to Farms and Fisherman’s Huts. Food silos should be prioritized, particularly if they can be upgraded because they safeguard your food from rats.

Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.