The dwarf galaxy appears in a swirl of dazzling light and crimson colors in the new photograph. The small, oddly shaped galaxy has been dubbed a “cosmic oddity” by the European Space Agency (ESA). The ESA reported that the NGC ...

A black hole’s structure is straightforward in the grand scheme of things. All you need to know is the black hole’s mass, electric charge, and spin to determine the structure of space and time surrounding it. However, things get complicated ...

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station do spine scans, heart checks, and breathing tests. During a spacewalk on January 19, 2022, Russian spacewalkers Pyotr Dubrov and Anton Shkaplerov worked on the Prichal module. The International Space Station’s main scientific activities ...

A new study by a biologist at the Université de Montréal aims to explain how squirrels save energy while hibernating and what implications this knowledge may carry for the future of space flight. Matthew Regan’s study of the thirteen-lined ground ...

How much does a space ticket cost? That is dependent on who you book with, how you want to get there, and whether or not you are fortunate. It is critical to distinguish between sub-orbital and orbital space tourism. While ...

NASA is well-known for finding out useful and unique ideas in difficult moments. The American space agency is attempting something different once again: it wants to recycle human waste such as the carbon dioxide we eliminate from our lungs or ...

Scientists believe that our galaxy, the Milky Way, was created after many mergers, with smaller galaxies and clusters of stars. Some mergers were very recent, and scientists can still detect the clusters of stars orbiting the galaxy. But in time, ...

Scientists are currently trying to solve one of the mysteries of the universe. A dusty object has been discovered by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, and no one knows what’s up with it. There is something unusual happening with a binary ...

A recent study claims that strange geometric structures first seen on the tiny planet’s ground in 2015 are evidence of a process known as sublimation. According to a new theory, the polygonal nitrogen ice on Pluto, which was discovered throughout ...

A recent piece of research adds to the increasing body of evidence suggesting Venus is volcanically active – a discovery that, if confirmed, will provide light on how volcanoes affect planetary development and livability throughout the universe. The study, which concentrates on ...