Galaxies seldom exist in isolation. Instead, gravity draws hundreds to thousands of them together, generating huge clusters that are the universe’s biggest objects. Scientists have determined that the hydrogen gas inside galaxy clusters is very hot—roughly 10 million degrees Kelvin, ...

Astronomers have only detected four asteroids before they reached the Earth’s atmosphere: 2008 TC3, 2014 AA, 2018 LA, and 2019 MO. This is because detecting an asteroid before it enters the Earth’s atmosphere is such an uncommon occurrence for astronomers. ...

It is estimated that there was almost no oxygen in the atmosphere throughout the first 2 billion years of Earth’s existence. Although certain bacteria were photosynthesizing during the later part of this time, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere ...

As researchers learn more about brains and how they operate, it’s useful to know how much brain tissue is needed to execute specific jobs – and it turns out that just 302 neurons are needed to make complicated judgments. A ...

We may learn about some distant extraterrestrial rocky planets with breathing atmospheres similar to Earth in a very short period of time. Those observations will be made possible by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which is now in the ...

Soft robots may now be coated with materials that enable movement and allow them to operate more purposefully, according to physicists. The study, performed by the University of Bath in the United Kingdom, was published in Science Advances. The authors ...

Earlier this year, just after US Vice President Joseph Biden assumed office, scientists completed the final details of their latest aquatic finding. Despite being on opposite sides of the globe, these landmarks now share a place in history. The study ...

The finding of a possibly deadly asteroid early this year sent scientists on a thrill ride, and they were not alone. On January 6, 2022, scientists at the Mount Lemmon Observatory in Arizona announced the discovery of an asteroid measuring ...

Scientists have discovered for the first time, with the help of the most sophisticated telescopes that we have on this planet, as well as in space, a neutron star consuming stuff from a neighboring star, which is producing bursts of hot, ...

The only examples of “life” that we have are the kinds that exist on Earth. Astrobiologists believe that the hunt for extraterrestrial life, and possibly the beginnings of life on This planet, may need a larger scope. A research project ...