As space unfolds itself right before its lens, the Juno spacecraft from NASA was able to catch something quite peculiar yet breathtaking When something like this happens, it leaves one in a state of amazement and wonder about what such ...

Black holes remain some of the most mysterious and dangerous cosmic objects, as falling into one will almost certainly not give you the ability to travel in time, as happened in the sci-fi movie “Interstellar” from 2014. Black holes can ...

On Tuesday (July 25), NASA experienced a temporary loss of communication with the International Space Station (ISS) due to a power outage that occurred at its facilities in Houston, Texas. Things were not going well, and the flight controllers at ...

On January 28, a green laser was seen slicing across the night sky over the Hawaiian islands, quietly following a path towards the horizon like a glitch in the Matrix’s coding. From the highest point in Hawaii, a telescope captured ...

The JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) has reached another incredible milestone: its first exoplanet finding confirmation. The telescope has already produced visually breathtaking and scientifically outstanding results from its first six months of operation. It looked 41 light years into ...

The night sky will host a green comet for the first time in 50,000 years, being by far the most incredible space event that has happened lately. The comet is recently discovered via the impressive Zwicky Transient Facility’s wide-field survey ...

It is difficult to predict exactly when humans will land on Mars, as it depends on a number of factors, including technological advancements, funding, and political will. Several space agencies and private companies around the world have announced plans to ...

NASA’s Artemis 1 Orion spacecraft has arrived back at the Kennedy Space Center after completing its 1.4 million mile journey to the Moon and back. The space agency can now take apart the capsule and release more details! What’s NASA ...

Mars is quite shaky, and now we have more proof. A seismic event recorded on our neighbor planet is now the greatest ever detected, with a magnitude of 4.7. Five times stronger than the InSight lander’s previous greatest earthquake on ...

Two new samples of regolith from the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission could aid researchers and engineers in their study of the Red Planet and planning of future missions. The NASA Perseverance rover collected two more samples from Mars on December ...