What is a moon eclipse that is “nearly total”? When the Sun, Earth, and Moon align, the Moon slips into Earth’s shadow, creating a lunar eclipse. During a complete moon eclipse, the entire Moon is engulfed by the umbra, the darkest component ...

Habitable planets surely are there, somewhere, waiting for us. Our common sense tells us that Earth cannot be the only one in such a vast amount of space. But until astronomers ever find those fully habitable planets, learning more about ...

A recent study conducted by NASA scientists implies that the “roughness” of the Moon’s surface and the shadows that fill it may be where solid water is hiding. Though the Moon looks a lot like a dried-up husk, there are ...

Astronomers have always wondered why water is so rare in the rest of the solar system when it’s present pretty much everywhere on Earth. According to a relatively new perspective of those from NASA, extraterrestrial water might be closer to ...

Telescopes mounted on the surface of the Earth, or those that orbit around our planet don’t represent anything new, but as always, NASA wants to defy all odds. Telescopes mounted on the Moon may have been something you see only ...

There are now over 100,000 craters on Moon, and scientists are intrigued. The discovery was made in the low- and mid-latitude areas of the Moon. Scientists used AI that was given data gathered by Chinese lunar orbiters. Here is what ...