Paleontologists know plenty of stuff regarding the ancestors of modern chondrichthyans and osteichthyans, but updates always occur in science. It’s also the case here, as a new discovery consisting of toothed fish remains that are 439 million years old suggests ...

Researchers discovered that a group of Colorado blue columbines was lacking petals with distinctive nectar spurs. Although this genetic mutation isn’t really uncommon in the species, spurlessness seems to have become a hallmark of the study region, with roughly 25% ...

Most people consider sentience and cognition to be characteristics of individual creatures, but the authors of a new research contend that intelligence occurs on a global level and that all biology on Earth functions as a single conscious system. The ...

Consequently, little is known about their migrations and much less about how illnesses spread among puma communities. A new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution by researchers from the University of Minnesota, Colorado State University, and Colorado Parks and ...