Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 Set to Come With a Classic Map Remake

Credit: Infinity Ward

Thanks to a Season 3 playtest, Modern Warfare 2 YouTuber FaZe Dirty revealed a legendary Call of Duty level that would eventually get its first multiplayer makeover. There are usually some sleek remakes in each CoD game, as we’ve gotten used to so far. With the addition of Shipment and Shoothouse in multiplayer, Modern Warfare 2 has already waded into a wide pool of classic settings. For example, in Warzone 2, a few POIs that were upgraded by vintage Call of Duty maps, like Quarry, Dome, and Showdown, were included.

However, as you probably know by now, there are seven Modern Warfare 2 (2009) map remakes in different games, but certain iconic settings have been crying out for a second chance. But fear not because a favorite map from the first season of MW2 will air again in Season 3.

Modern Warfare 2: Estate is Returning in Season 3

FaZe Dirty was invited by Activision to a Season 3 playtest. He played the new Season 3 map, Pelayo’s Lighthouse, and tried the new Intervention sniper, the FJX Imperium. How cool is that?

The gamer posted a YouTube video about his experience after watching Activision’s announcement video. He also gave fans a little sneak preview of a well-known map, as you can see below:

Pelayo’s Lighthouse, according to Dirty, “has a couple of lengthy lanes great for sniping,” and he admitted that it should be entertaining to deploy spawn traps on the new map.

Credit: Faze Dirty

Estate, a medium-sized multiplayer map, has a main attraction: a cabin perched on a hill in the woods. The main thing is where most of the action takes place, although there are a few more dispersed buildings at the bottom of the hill and a boathouse.

We will be happy regardless of whether this is a partial reproduction of Estate or a recreation of a single scene. Remember that on April 12, Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 premieres!

Georgia Nica
Writing was, and still is my first passion. I love all that cool stuff about science and technology. I'll try my best to bring you the latest news every day.