The Solar System is indeed a huge enigma. Astronomers learn more and more about it as time passes, but even so, there are more things to discover. What lies on the edges of the Solar System could also turn out ...

Black holes and light had given physicists a lot of headaches over the decades. While black holes are the most mysterious phenomenons of the Universe by far, light has puzzled the minds of scientists mainly for the fact that its ...

A climate crisis may be inevitable, but the global response to global warming is far from certain. How we respond could have a dramatic impact on our ability to survive rising temperatures, extreme weather, and rising seas. Starting after the ...

Spaceships have explored most of the nooks of the solar system already, but the two clusters of asteroids flank powerfully Jupiter in its orbit will be under robotic investigation for a new zone. However, in these two swarms astronomers saw numerous ...

The earth is quickly warming and causing record drought, fatal floods and rare Arctic melting events. It also leads to a gradual increase in sea level that scientists believe will last for decades. A recent analysis from the non-profit research ...

Under the oversight and safety of the Israeli Space Agency, a team of six – five men and one woman – have begun simulating what it will be like to live for about a month on the red planet. Underneath ...

The Northern Lights are one of the most popular natural wonders on the planet. Millions of people every year travel to the northernmost reaches of the globe to see the aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights. Many people ...

Astronomy never ceases to amaze us. With every month that passes, discoveries emerge in the field. The more we learn about our nature, the more we grow as individuals. Exoplanets (planets from other solar systems) have been theorized long ago, ...

Earth and every living organism on it are impacted by all of the plastic waste we are producing. The volume of non-biodegradable materials discarded after use is on the rise, meaning that specialists are constantly looking for new ways of ...

A geomagnetic storm is due to strike the planet and can disrupt power and satellites. The spatial surveillance organization of the American Government has cautioned the public that a geomagnetic storm may occur instead of a solar storm. The solar wind ...