In a recent research, it was found that spending time every week and enjoying video games in front of the same screen increases activity in the brain and, in addition, improves the cognitive abilities needed for decision-making. Video games, according ...

For anyone under the age of 40 who are at risk for mortality from alcohol-related causes such as car accidents, murder, and injury, there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. Even if you’re in your 40s or older and ...

Scientists at MIT have resurrected a notion from the recent past to potentially mitigate the consequences of global warming. We might merely float a high-tech bubble parasol above the Earth to provide some shade while we work on reducing our dependence ...

The most detailed and precise infrared picture of our cosmos has been released by NASA. For the first time, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has taken a full-color photograph of the faraway universe. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI These ...

Space development in the not-too-distant future is expected to feature lengthier periods in low gravity situations, whether orbiting or on another globe. There is a problem, however, with extended stays in outer space; new study has shown that astronauts may lose ...

In a primordial marsh 45 million years ago, researchers have found the reason why countless fossil frogs ended up dead: It took place throughout the act of sex. Over 50,000 prehistoric creatures, involving: birds; horses; bats; fish, plus hundreds of frogs, were killed by ...

Scientists operating on the world’s finest & precise dark matter sensor, the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ), have released their findings from the project’s first research run. Although zero dark matter was detected in this session, the team verified that the project is functioning ...

It’s important to know how steady the solar system is. The unpredictable and complicated character of the forces at play means that even minor gravitational impacts may have significant consequences because of their relative stability in human and historical perspectives. ...

Carnivorous dinosaurs with tiny arms, like the Tyrannosaurus rex, might be a little more frequent amid huge hunting dinosaurs than originally assumed, according to a newly discovered type of meat-eating dinosaur. The recently discovered creature has been given the title ...

If you’re a voracious reader and frequent user of your e-reader, chances are you’ve come across a situation in which you need to access an e-book that you don’t own. Maybe it’s one of those books that are no longer ...