According to a recent paper in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science, a few specialized bacteria survive circumstances similar to those of Mars’ early past, which may be due to a variety of adaptations. The hydrothermal crater lake of Costa ...

A new study by a biologist at the Université de Montréal aims to explain how squirrels save energy while hibernating and what implications this knowledge may carry for the future of space flight. Matthew Regan’s study of the thirteen-lined ground ...

Experts caution that it is dangerous to overuse the phrase and get comfortable at this level. As Canadians get sick of COVID-19 after two years, many use the word “endemic” to convey optimism that we’re approaching a point when we ...

Tumor detection from high-resolution medical images is one of the most promising uses of artificial intelligence technology. Paleontologists may utilize the same scanning technology to evaluate dinosaur remains more rapidly. New research published in the journal Frontiers in Earth Science ...

A team of researchers has created a microscope that can view bacteria in soil and plants at the micrometer scale. Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have created a specialized microscope to examine bacteria in soil and plants at ...

A team of researchers led by a university in British Columbia discovered numerous new species of coronavirus, some of which were discovered in unexpected areas such as animal excrement. The findings were produced by a former UBC post-doctoral research fellow ...

How much does a space ticket cost? That is dependent on who you book with, how you want to get there, and whether or not you are fortunate. It is critical to distinguish between sub-orbital and orbital space tourism. While ...

 On Wednesday, U.S. government scientists announced a crucial step forward in the long journey toward making nuclear fusion — the mechanism that generates power to stars – a viable energy source for humanity. Using the world’s most giant laser, the ...

Frogs, unlike their salamander counterparts, cannot restore severed limbs, but an intriguing new experiment reveals that under the appropriate circumstances, frogs may partly rebuild their missing body parts. A unique therapy that allowed African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) to partly ...

According to significant new research, an increasing number of young individuals are diagnosed with late-stage colon cancer, leading experts to repeat their appeals for early diagnosis and screening. Researchers from the University of Colorado School of Medicine examined data from ...