6 Awesome Benefits Of Taking Vitamin C + Supplements

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In addition to getting vitamin C from your diet, you can also take it as a supplement.

Supplements are available in pill, powder, and liquid forms.

There are many health benefits of vitamin C supplements. Here are six of them.

  • It strengthens your immune system

Vitamin C actually helps your body make white blood cells, which are key to fighting infections. Getting enough of the vitamin may help shorten the length of colds and reduce symptoms like sore throat and stuffy nose. Some research suggests that if you take vitamin C regularly, you may get slightly fewer colds than usual, but it won’t prevent them entirely or make them go away faster. Think of it like having a moderate boost to your immune system rather than a major one.

  • It protects against heart disease

Vitamin C does more than just keep your immune system strong — it also reduces inflammation and helps lower blood pressure. This makes it an important part of keeping your heart healthy and working properly.

  • It helps prevent iron deficiency anemia

Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron, which plays a vital role in making red blood cells and keeping you energized. If you have low iron levels or anemia, adding more vitamin C to your diet can help increase them.

  • Helps in the prevention of cataracts

Since vitamin C has antioxidant properties, it may be able to help prevent against cataracts. Cataracts are when your eyes become cloudy, making vision difficult.

  • Improves circulation

Vitamin C helps improve circulation by strengthening our veins and capillaries so that oxygen flows easier throughout our bodies. When our veins are weak, we become more prone to varicose veins and spider veins — which decreases our circulation.

  • Treatment for gout

Gout is a metabolic disease caused by high uric acid levels in the blood. One of the effective ways to treat gout is through vitamin C because it helps lower uric acid in the body.

Susan Kowal
Susan Kowal is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor/advisor, and health enthusiast.