Unless you’re an alien who came to Earth recently, surely you found out that eating fruits every day is a good idea if you care about your health. They can grant huge benefits, such as providing essential vitamins and minerals, ...

We always have to take good care of what we consume within our meals. We eat to live, not the opposite. Or at least that’s how it should be. The COVID pandemic has also made many of us rethink our ...

Whether we like it or not, living longer inevitably means becoming older sooner or later. But those years of hoar don’t necessarily have to be loaded with trips to the pharmacy and the doctor. Healthy aging can be achieved by ...

Fatigue is so common that it has generated a whole subset of conditions, including crisis fatigue, chronic fatigue, and even Zoom fatigue. And whether it is tiredness from daily activities or a post-Covid 19 symptom, most of us really need ...