This new instrument is ready to fly to Europa or Enceladus. But for what exactly is this instrument? NASA scientists are trying to find new locations where life could exist. So far, it is Saturn’s moon En, celadus, and Jupiter’s ...

According to a recent study, the water underneath Saturn’s moon Enceladus may be filled in phosphorus, a key feature of life as we know it. That could solve long-standing quests about the Universe, as well. The biochemistry of life depends ...

When you think about the possibility for life to exist elsewhere in the Solar System, the first thing that pops into the mind is likely a spacecraft searching across planets such as Mars, Uranus, or Neptune. While there are only ...

Enceladus, meaning one of the moons of Saturn, has captured the attention of astronomers for plenty of time due to its traits. The Cassini space probe has revealed that Enceladus hides an entire global ocean of liquid salty water beneath ...