When we think of yoga, the first image that comes to mind is a person standing or sitting in an upright position, eyes closed, hands folded and arms stretched over the head. While these are all essential elements of yoga, ...

Staying physically active and movement can be a good game changer as you age. The CDC reports that just one hour a day, five days a week, moderate exercise can help prevent heart-related diseases, diabetes, and stroke. Working out can ...

Will crunches or sit-ups give you better abs? It’s a debate that has been going on for years between fitness enthusiasts. Even though they both work the abdominal muscles, there are some differences when it comes to which one you ...

Your core provides the foundation for all your other muscles, supporting your spine and protecting your back. It makes sense, then, that the stronger your core is, the better you’ll feel. The best part of these exercises is that you ...

One of the best moves you can make is to start an exercise routine. But when you’re starting from scratch, it can be overwhelming to figure out how and where to begin. Trying to go from zero exercises to working ...

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been making resolutions to get in shape and lose weight since you were a kid. When those New Year’s resolutions start to fade, you may wonder where they went. You were so determined ...

There are some foods which you must avoid if you want to lose weight. Healthy eating helps you keep a slim body and improve your health. But you should know that not all healthy food is good for weight loss; ...

If you want to get fit, you’re better off doing it at a gym. Treadmills, ellipticals, and recumbent bikes are great for people who don’t have a lot of time to work out or for those who prefer exercising indoors. ...

There is an abundance of crunches that you can add to your workout in order to increase the intensity of it. My favorite type of crunch is the explosive crunch, which is where you are pushing yourself up off the ...

Are you a treadmill runner or an outdoor runner? If you’re new to running, you might be wondering which type of running is better. Both have their pros and cons, which may explain why many runners do both. Here’s an ...