Sure, you might be a little frustrated about some streaming services and their quality offered for the prices you pay. But guess what? There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and there are plenty more fish in the sea. ...

A peculiar rocky meteoroid that exploded last year above Canada is more spectacular than it first appeared to be. More intriguing is that the cosmic feature originates from the outer Solar System, based on scientific research. By studying more data, ...

Recently, astronomers came across a few fascinating leads in the quest for life on other planets. The discovery includes two Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star named GJ 1002. Check out all the facts below. ...

Archaeologists have found several ancient mummies with gold chips in place of their tongues. As intriguing as it might sound, there’s more than meets the eye. The discovery was made at the central Nile Delta’s Quweisna on a site dating ...

We know that Neanderthals were skilled hunters, but how about their diets? We are unsure whether or to what extent they added vegetables to their meals. Luckily, that’s about to change. Researchers are inclined to believe that at least some ...

A new, thriving ecosystem that has never been seen before was discovered during a recent underwater trip near a deepwater seamount in an archipelago in the Maldives. Researchers praised the discovery and dubbed it “The Trapping Zone,” a 500-meter-deep world ...

A fantastic image shows a million-mile-long plume emerging from the Sun, and it’s like nothing you’ve seen before. Professional astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy took the incredible picture. According to the astrophotographer, the blazing filament, also known as a coronal mass ejection ...

In the Pacific, a new island has formed as a result of an undersea eruption, and it looks intriguing! After 16 years of profound ‘sleep,’ a buried volcano on the seamount known as the Home Reef in central Tonga Island ...

A recent discovery of a 380-million-year-old heart left researchers in awe, but it is quite the deal when it comes to evolutionary history. The 380-million-year-old heart, the oldest ever found, coupled with a separate fossilized liver, stomach, and intestine (can ...

NASA’s rover provides the most comprehensive image of Mars’ surface we’ve ever seen! Perseverance succeeded in scanning a great 2.5 billion pixels of Martian ground, and now more data is available. Read the full report below and explore Mars in ...